Meet Leigh – WCF Board Member

Leigh Graham has been a member of the WCF board since 2014. She has recently renewed for another 3-year term. Her journey with Women & Children First actually began with a meeting with Cathy Browne, that was actually a meeting about advertising. The meeting quickly turned to a discussion about Cathy’s real passion, WCF. “I mentioned that I would be interested in learning more about the mission,” Leigh said. “Well, here I am 3 years later. I knew very little about domestic violence and the many issues surrounding it. The scope and depth of the problem was beyond what I knew. I am so proud to be a member of this board and see the unbelievable job this organization does.”

Previously, Leigh has served on the board of the Susan G. Komen Foundation. She was the President and board member of the Electronic Media Rating Council, President and board member of the Television Broadcasters of Arkansas, as well as a member of the Nielsen Policy and Guidelines Committee and a member of the National Association of Broadcasters Research division. Earlier this year, Leigh left her job at KATV after 30 years. Her husband, Lou, is recuperating from 2 surgeries and she is currently his caregiver. She will be exploring new opportunities very soon.

Although Leigh was born and raised in Jackson MS and went to college in Texas, she considers Little Rock my home. She has lived in Little Rock for 31 years and loves it. Her husband of 25 years, Lou, was raised here and has deep roots in Little Rock. Her stepdaughter Laurin and husband Nick live in OKC with 3 of their 5 grandchildren. Their daughter in law, Stephany, lives in Little Rock along with their other 2 grandchildren. Leigh and Lou love traveling, but mostly spending time at the family lake house in Heber Springs. “It is the perfect place for everyone to get together and for the kids to be kids”, she said. “Lou’s great grandfather, grandfather and uncle were very prolific painters both in Arkansas and several other states. We are currently working with the Butler Center to put together an exhibit of their works for the summer of 2018.”

We are grateful to have Leigh as a WCF board member and thankful for all of her support in helping to offer safety, strength, and hope for all victims of family violence!

Get In Touch

If you fear that your computer use may be monitored, contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY).
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